Exciting News for Quesnel!
The Provincial Government, in part leveraging federal funding, is providing $1 billion in direct grants to local governments through the Growing Communities Fund. The principal objective of the funding is to increase the local housing supply with investments in community infrastructure and amenities.
Quesnel was awarded $3,217,000!
Surplus & Deficit Report 2022
The general surplus for 2022 is $584,273 before the adjustment for the landfill liability.
Council approved allocation of the 2022 surplus as follows; 50% to the Tax and Community Stabilization Reserve and 50% to the Capital Reinvestment Reserve.
Development Services Update
Council approved the following development permits:
- 2023-51 for a proposed single detached home in the Riverfront Walks development (140-1702 Dyke Road) located within the floodplain, and riparian area.
- 2023-52 for a proposed hydro shed at Quesnel Toyota (201 Anderson Drive) located within the floodplain, and riparian area.
- 2023-53 for three new single detached homes in the Riverfront Walks development (#137, 142, and 144-1702 Dyke Road) which are located within the floodplain and, riparian area.
Council approved the following temporary use permit to Icon Homes Ltd.:
- Lot 1 District Lot 346 Cariboo District Plan 6073 (Highway 97N) for use of refurbishing and/or rebuilding modular office units including sales and rentals of these units.
2022 Façade Improvement Program
For 2022, the North Development Initiative Trust Façade Improvement grant funding was allocated to 5 businesses, however three projects were not completed for various reasons. NDIT has announced that program funding is on hold for 2023.
The completed projects included:
- Petro Canada (205 McLean St) – painting and installation of new mural on northern facing façade. The mural depicts the municipal hall which was once sited on the same lot where Petro Canada sits now.
- Downtown Tire Autocraft (2011 Dragon Hill Rd) – timber framing wrap was installed on canopy posts, bay doors were painted, and a new concrete sidewalk underneath the canopy was completed.
Notice on Title
Council directed Staff to file a Notice on Title, for contravention of the City of Quesnel building regulations, for the following property:
Fraser River Footbridge Landing & Trail Lighting Project
Archaeological permitting issues, the pandemic, inflation and supply issues contributed to a lengthy delay on this project, resulting in new budget considerations.
Council approved allocation of $418,000 from Gas Tax funds, to top-up the Northern Development Initiative Trust Strategic Initiatives Fund grant, to complete the project as tendered and, that the contract be awarded to Fresno Construction.
Grant Update
Council approved application to the Union of B.C. Municipalities for the $50,000 Poverty Reduction & Action Program grant, to allow the City to work with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) on a one-year project to educate and raise awareness around poverty in our community.
Correspondence – Requests for Support
Council approved resolutions of support for the following non-profit organizations, to aid with their future grant funding requests:
- Bylaw 1941 – City of Quesnel Parks and Public Places Bylaw 1941, 2023 – Second & Third Readings Bylaw 1942 – City of Quesnel Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 1942, 2023 – First & Second Readings, Set Public Hearing date for April 25, 2023
- Bylaw 1943 – City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1943, 2023 – First & Second Readings, Set Public Hearing date for April 25, 2023
- Bylaw 1935 – City of Quesnel Downtown Quesnel Business Improvement Area Bylaw 1935, 2023 – Final Adoption
- Bylaw 1936 – City of Quesnel South Quesnel Business Improvement Area Bylaw 1936, 2023 – Final Adoption